RPGaDay2023 – Day 15: Favourite CON MODULE / ONE – SHOT

I like one-shots, even if I haven’t played one in a con.

One-shots are easy to run and do not leave you with any “obligation” of a second session. If it happens it happens, but you don’t have to do it. So when a new player wants to try the game, or when you don’t have a stable schedule, one-shots are the best option. And even though I haven’t had the chance to go to a convention, I still have favourites. But today I will share only one.

Curtain Call: A Sharn Adventure is a one-shot I have run and really enjoyed. It gets bonus points because it is set in Eberron, which is my favourite “official” setting. It is set in Sharn and it’s such a nice introductory adventure to the setting. I think I need to talk about Eberron at some point.

And that’s all about today’s question. Tomorrow’s question is “Game you WISH you owned”. Unless the question can be “ALL OF THEM”, I will have to think about it a bit. Or at least just mention a top 3.

And until next time, have fun!

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