Kickstarter: Tales Unbound

Tales Unbound is a new Kickstarter project by Joseph Oliveira of Afterlight Comics, with a deck of cards designed to inspire Dungeon Masters and storytellers create and shape their adventures.

The cards are inspired by British, Slavic, and American folklore and tales, and are divided into 3 sections: Opening Action, Encounter, and Final Act. You draw one card from each section, shaping the narrative accordingly, giving you a quick and easy framework to create stories. The Encounter cards especially are beautifully illustrated, with some very stylish artwork.

Afterlight Comics are veterans with KS, with 39 successful projects at their back, and the only part left for this one is the printing – so you know reliability isn’t bound to be an issue. Delivery is also estimated for March of 2024, which is pretty quick in my opinion. The Kickstarter runs until December 21, and you can get each thematic category for about $20 each; or all 3, American, British, and Slavic for $45 – or $40 with the Early Bird special, so go ahead and give it a look if it sounds like it’s something you’d be interested in!

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