Review – Mystery Dice Goblin

Who doesn’t like dice?

And to be honest, I am low on the scale of how much I freak out whenever I see a good looking dice set but still, I really like dice. Also, who doesn’t like opening booster packs? I may suck at opening them because I get bad pulls so I give them to my girlfriend who has a golden hand and opens the most expensive card of the set but still, I really like opening booster packs.

The people over Mystery Dice Goblin know that and are combining the experience into the Mystery Dice Bags.

At Mystery Dice Goblin you can find a really good selection of dice sets, but you can also try your luck in mystery dice bags. And the people there were also kind enough to send me three of them to check them out. Each bag contains a standard set of 7 dice, aka d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, and d100.

In the first bag I found a set of opaque black dice with a rusty addition. The numbers are coloured in a brighter red so it’s not hard to read them. I got the feeling that the rusty part was actually painted over the black dice which makes it cool but I may need to be careful not to damage it.

The next bag had a set of dice I could probably spend hours looking at. They are clear dice with a pink to purple hue. However, the intensity of the colour is not the same for each die, with about half of them being much darker than the rest, making it really interesting to look at. As a bonus, there’s glitter in them. The best of them was the d20 because, while it was quite clear, there was a dark streak of purple trapped in it which made me feel like Gollum when he was looking at the Ring. Oh, and the numbers are painted with a dark lilla colour.

After I managed to take my eyes off the second set, I opened the third one and found a set of semi-transparent dice. The colour is orangy pink but the glitter in them gives them a bronze finish. The numbers are painted a light green which makes a nice contrast and also made me call them strawberry dice.

Overall, I am pleased with the dice I got. The quality seems to be good. For both the transparent and semi-transparent sets I want to note that I tried to look for bubbles but found none. That’s a plus for me because I have way too many dice with bubbles in they are known to mess up with the rolls a bit.

You should check out the Mystery Dice Bags here. There are many options on how you can get them and there’s also subscription option. Mind you, it is a bit cheaper if you get the Mystery Dice Bags instead of getting specific sets.

Again, thanks to the folks over Mystery Dice Goblin for providing these packs.

And until next time, have fun!

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