#RPGaDay2023 – Day 1: First RPG Played (This Year)

We live to see another #RPGaDay.

And this time it’s the 10th anniversary of the thing. I haven’t participated in all of them, but since this is my 6th one, I consider myself almost a veteran. This year, we get to answer the questions of the first RPGaDay but with a bit of a twist, in case any of us have done them again in the first year. I haven’t so I can mix and match the context of the questions in order to write the best answer.

Today’s question is which was the first RPG I have played ever or this year. To be honest, I am not sure I have had the opportunity to play this year.


I know, I know. However, my job had me take 2 trips and they were strategically deployed to get me as unorganized and behind schedule as possible. So the two 2-week trips I took basically cost me 2 months each. I am writing this at about 9pm because that’s when I stopped working.

But fear not. I have been doing whatever I like during RPGaDay and other events (my #Dungeon23 notebook is looking at me funny from the far side of the desk) so I will do whatever I like once more and provide 3 answers.

First RPG played

The first RPG I ever played was D&D. The first session I ever played was 3.5. Then I had a nice 2-3 year pause and then actually started playing by running 4e. I can’t decide whether that 3.5 session counts or not because I was just told which dice to roll at the time.

First RPG played this year

The first RPG I played this year is the D&D 5e session I am planning to run this week. The sentence doesn’t really make sense timewise but what does really make sense in our lives? Anyway, I have been looking for a nice one-shot to run, preferably in Eberron. I have come up with a couple nice ones but let me know if you got any suggestions

First anything tabletop played this year

Since the first two answers are not that interesting, I’ve come up with another one. About 2-3 weeks ago, I was invited along with my partner to play some board games. The one we played was Wingspan and it was absolutely lovely. I kinda like birdwatching so I really loved the bird facts on the cards. Moreover, the way the game works, it allows you to do whatever you like and you will enjoy the session. So for example, I collected as many hummingbirds as I could just because they had nice colours, and I did quite well pointwise.

And that’s for this day’s question. Tomorrow’s question is “First RPG Gamemaster”. I wonder what I will do for this one. You may think I have already answered this today but the way I was introduced into tabletop RPGs was so chaotic that there have been multiple tries and I have one such experience that precedes anything I have mentioned today.

And until next time, have fun!

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