#RPGaDay2023 – Day 2: First RPG GAMEMASTER

Day two let’s go!

I get excited when I manage to write one of these on its day and don’t have to do catch-up posts.

But what does this day’s question mean?

First RPG to Gamemaster?

Well, it was D&D as I mentioned yesterday. But it wasn’t 4e, which is the RPG I consider that I started with. About 10-11 years ago, my friends and I decided to have a board game night. I brought a couple of them and one very interesting box named “Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Game. The Adventure Begins Here”. It was a box that I had acquired while on a trip and, while I kinda knew what D&D was, I had no idea how it worked. Therefore, I went to that board game night with zero prep, knowing absolutely nothing about running a session and…it actually went pretty well. I had to improvise a bit but, you know, that’s pretty much gamemastering in a nutshell. I think it was a nice introductory box. By the way, it was in Greek so that was some extra source of laughter because we are not used to hearing monster names in Greek.

Another first gamemaster experience for me was the first session I ran when I started actually playing 4e. I had more information on how the game worked then but I was definitely not ready to run a session for 9 people. Again, chaos ensued but it went fine once again. I was left a bit scarred due to the amount of mental processing I had to do for a party of 9 that split into 3 teams but it was a nice lesson for a young gamemaster. But let’s see other interpretations of the question.

First RPG Gamemaster to watch

And the credits go to Christopher Perkins during one of the 2014 PAX D&D games. I think it was the one below but I am not 100% sure.

Chris Perkins has a unique style of gamemastering and I think I have adopted some of his traits because during 2014 and 2015 I would watch any game he would run.

And I think that’s for today. I don’t want to tire you and I definitely don’t want to burn me out. Tomorrow’s question is “First RPG bought (this year)”. I don’t really remember what I’ve bought this year so I will have to visit the dungeon in order to figure that one out.

And until next time, have fun!

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