#RPGaDay2023 – Day 9: Favourite DICE

Dice dice baby!

Favourite dice can have more than one interpretation. Let’s take a look at at least two!

Favourite dice shape

Hands down I go for the d12. It was more sides than the d6, which makes it cool, and less than the d20, which makes the sides larger and that’s something I like. It has a good size overall and it rolls nicely.

Favourite dice set

I have had various favourite dice sets throughout the years. They come and go as their blessings of luck come and go as well. Recently, I discovered some dice sets of unusual size, as in smaller than usual. So this is a dice set I have been enjoying lately, but mostly for cool purposes since they are too small. I also have a nice red-ish dice set that I’ve been using lately.

The culprits in all their glory

I also want to give an honourable mention. I haven’t used these since December (sadly) but I really like the d6 set I use for miniature wargames. It has skulls instead of 1s which portrays nicely the feeling of running too many 1s during a game.

Favourite resolution mechanism

This deserves a whole essay on its own but I will just cover this very quickly. Even though dice are the major player in resolution mechanisms, there are quite a few others. A couple of them that come to mind are playing cards and rock-paper-scissors. The rule of cool could also be a resolution mechanism but I can debate that it can only work in friendly environments. For me, it’s the dice and the reason is basically the same as everybody else’s. They are shiny and make pleasing sounds. Plus, they have the shapes of the Platonic solids, which is another cool (see nerdy) reason.

And I will stop here for this question. The next question is “Favourite tie-in FICTION”. I have no idea what that means but I will figure it out as I go.

And until next time, have fun!

P.S: This question was a bit (see a lot) late. Sorry about that. Work during August, which is the month of vacation usually in Greece, is a pain.

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