RPGaDay2023 – Day 21: Favourite LICENSED RPG

Licenses…licenses everywhere…

Since the release of D&D 5th Edition in 2014, tabletop RPGs have become more mainstream, which also means they have become more marketable. That has led to a ton of new products, from merch, to movies, to licensed RPGs. Don’t get me wrong, there have been licensed RPGs in the past but lately, we have gotten a ton of them. Dishonored, Fallout, Dune, Star Trek, Homeworld, Doctor Who, Warhammer, Lord of the Rings, Alien, Conan, and Star Wars are some of the currently available Licensed RPGs, and probably some of them are licensed multiple times as well.

So, what’s my favourite one? Well, of all those I have tried Star Wars by Fantasy Flight, and Age of Sigmar: Soulbound, so I will be picking from those two. I have tried both very little but based on my experience, I will go for Soulbound. I prefer the setting more and also the fact that you don’t need special dice. Plus, it features some mechanics that really intrigued me. I spoke about them in a previous question.

And that’s all for today. I changed my schedule today and wrote my answer in the morning, so for some of you it’s probably still yesterday, but it’s fine. Tomorrow’s question is “Best SECONDHAND RPG Purchase”. I will have to visit the dungeon to check out my collection for this.

And until next time, have fun!

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