#RPGaDay2023 – Day 7: SMARTEST RPG you’ve played

We are on day seven! Woohoo!

But let’s skip the celebrations and go straight to the point. This probably can be interpreted in many ways. I will interpret it as an RPG that has smart mechanics. And I will alter the question a bit because I haven’t played the one I want to mention.

The RPG I want to give mention today is Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound. I already mentioned the mechanics I like yesterday. In Soulbound, the group’s (let’s say) souls are bound together in order to fulfil a greater role in the universe. This connection gives them a shared resource called Soulfire that is very powerful but must be used wisely. The other mechanic is Doom. It represents the chaos and the threats the world is facing and it is easier to go up than go down. It can be used to show the players there are consequences to their actions or inaction and also raise the stakes as the campaign moves on.

I really love the concepts of these mechanics and I am working on adding them on other games. But I am definitely going to play Soulbound soon. And that’s all for today’s question. Tomorrow’s question is “Favourite CHARACTER”. I think I have a few choices for tomorrow.

And until next time, have fun!

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