RPGaDay2023 – Day 11: WEIRDEST game you’ve played

Weird is a relative term.

Depending on what systems you have tried and your overall background, your weird is different than everybody else’s. That’s why, for example, my weirdest game is Open Legend RPG. Why?

Because it features exploding dice.

For me, it was really really weird that you could roll really low for 5 consecutive turns and then oneshot a boss type enemy with just one roll because your d20 exploded twice and your total roll was 62, along with the rest of your dice. I don’t know if it was a mechanical flaw or it’s just how exploding dice work, but it was really weird to me. But even then, that was not the reason we have stopped playing it. The reason was pretty much that it kinda tried to be every genre, but that’s a story for another time. Still, it’s a nice system that I have enjoyed and would play again happily.

And that’s all for today. I decided to go with just one answer today, since I didn’t really have any interesting ones. Tomorrow’s question is “Old game you STILL play”. I don’t know about this one but we’ll see.

And until next time, have fun!

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