RPGaDay2023 – Day 12: Old game you STILL play

I have some bad news.

Unfortunately, I don’t really have a good answer for this one. With my current work situation, I don’t really have time to play a lot, so I mostly play D&D 5th Edition at the moment. It is the system I am the most comfortable with now, so it allows me to spend very little time for game prep. In fact, I will be running a session tomorrow and I expect to spend less than an hour to prep for it.

However, if I get the chance, I would like to run a session or two with D&D 4th Edition. And I do have that d20 Modern book sitting on the shelf so I could try that as well.

Tomorrow’s question is “Most memorable character DEMISE”. I will have to think about this. I’m not sure that we have experienced a demise.

And until next time, have fun!

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